Dr Marelise Calitz

Educational Psychologist

I am an educational psychologist with special interest in the development of the brain, mind, body and spirit and the interconnectedness of these systems while treating developmental delays and related learning problems in children from 1 month to adults into old age. General assessments of cognitive, emotional and physical development is thus included as well as a variety of other assessments for especially neuro-developmental disorders and general information like subject and career choice and guidance.

The neurobiology and energy of not only the brain (done with EEG biofeedback) but also the body (done with the theory and practice of Integrated Learning Therapy) and its impact on mental health is a passion. Emotional trauma is addressed mostly with the use of EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing of Francine Shapiro).

As my doctorate thesis was based on the application of Gestalt Play Therapy techniques, these are often used in the treatment, education and evaluation of persons above 2,5 years of age. As language development is strongly impacted by brain and body health, it is assessed and supported by addressing underlying systems and applying for instance Audio Integration Training.
Being well is thus addressed from an eco-systemic paradigm in my practice.